Wednesday, March 10, 2010

What other ailments can be helped by taking Essiac?

How does it help diabetics as an example?

Dr. Frederick Banting, one of the discoverers of insulin, said that" Essiac seems to regenerate the ability of the pancreas to produce insulin".  This simply has to do with the plaque build up on the pancreas that has slowed or stopped the pancreas from functioning properly.  The Essiac removes those plaque coatings to enable the pancreas to operate effectively.

We would recommend anyone starting Essiac that currently is taking insulin to consult with their doctor before starting an Essiac regime since it is important that you monitor your sugar levels daily.  In the case that your pancreas begins to start functioning because of taking Essiac and you continure taking the insulin you could possibly be a candidate for insulin shock.  In other words, if your pancreas is properly functioning then adding insulin to your body can create an overdose.  This can be avoided very simply by watching your blood sugar levels and reducing or eliminating the insulin injections.

Essiac users have reported that taking Essiac has helped with arthritis, kidney and bladder problems, ulcers, cataracts, glaucoma, liver problems, colon problems, gout, pneumonia, high blood pressure, headache, diarrhea, constipation and hemorrhoids.  And no matter what you say, there are thousands of patients totally free of cancer today who enthusiastically attribute their success to Essiac.


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