Thursday, April 8, 2010

Essiac and CAM

What is CAM?

CAM stands for Complementary and Alternative Medicine.  Many use CAM for a wide variety of diseases or conditions.

Medicine outside the mainstream goes by many names, such as naturopathy, complementary, alternative and integrative medicine.  This is partly because its umbrella covers almost any practice or product that is not generally taught in medical shcool or offered by traditional medical doctors.  It covers an array of practices from drinking green smoothies to taking fish oil and practicing yoga.

Alternative therapies are used most commonly to treat conditions such as back, joint and arthitis pain, colds and even depression.  One of the most recent studies found the most popular therapies to be natural products, like Essiac, deep breathing, meditation, chiropractic and massage.

It is now estimated that over 40% of adults use some form of complementary and alternative medicine to treat a wide breath of conditions.

Think of Essiac as your personal "defender" that is on guard defending your health against illness and disease by ridding your body of toxins and pollutants and strengthening your immune system.



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